In short: Art Director of a marketing campaign for Gentrepreneur. Including the following tasks & duties: copywriting of baseline and CTA, concept creation, poster design, postcard design, social media carousel design, website banner and a tram design.
If you have more time: Gentrepreneur is an organisation that helps student-entrepreneurs in Ghent to start and grow their own business. They organise network events, invite guest speakers and have marketing and accounting experts at their disposal for free advice.
I received the creative briefing of creating a campaign from start to finish that makes as many students as possible in Ghent aware of the existence of Gentrepreneur. And to inspire them to become entrepreneurs as well.
This is the 1st project where I took on the role as Art Director. I have some experience in the advertising and communication world thanks to the Belgian Advertising School. But my main focus with Captain Creative have been Graphic Design and Social Media Management. This time, I created the whole concept behind the campaign, wrote the baseline and CTA and designed the visuals.
The visuals consisted of: a design for the tram, posters, postcards, social media carousels and a website banner.
For an entire month, my work will be on: the tram, posters in UGent, HoGent and ArteveldeHogeschool, on the screens of Student Kick-off and social media.
Special thanks to Studiophie (photographer/videographer) for the the beautiful photography work.